Monday, October 24, 2011

Chapter Eight: The hillside and willow tree

 EDITORS NOTE:  I am not Derfel Cardarn.  I am a member of the Derfel Cardarn Appreciation Society.  The following was article is from a Lego online discussion forum All photos and content belong to the great "Derel Cardarn"

The following was posted by "Derfel Cardarn" on discussion forum.  

 Defrel Cardarn's latest update to his Guide to building a Medieval village.

Time to complete the stream and hill, then we can start laying down the land for the main village.

To start, we need to lay down the final part of the stream. This is done the same way as before, using rocks and clear plates on top of the blue plates to make some more small water falls. You will also need to start laying some plates and rocks at the side of the river.
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Then we need to build up some more of the rocky cliff. As you can see, I use the BURP pieces as a frame to build the sloping rocks over.
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Next I have started to add the green plates. This is done by simply laying plates at different random heights, but to keep things from looking to blocky, I try to make sure that the plates are always only 1 plate higher or lower than each other. Note that I have also added some patches of sand green for variety. I have used sand green bricks for this as they are easier to get hold of. These are used the same way as plates, but remember to lay them at a lower level then you lay the plates so they end up being the same height.
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Then we add some foliage the same way as before.
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Next we need to finish off the corner. This is again done by laying plates and adding some rock formations. The rocks are very important, because we have built a rocky cliff, we also have to build various over small rock formations here and there, to show that the whole area is rocky. Otherwise it would look a bit odd if there was just a random rocky cliff with no other rocks in the area. Note how I have also continued to build up the black base to give a nice simple border round the moc.
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Then, on the other side of the stream, we can build a weeping willow type tree which will look good overhanging the stream and also enclose this back area a bit more, to give it a more natural over grown look. The willow is built using the same tree method that I showed earlier with the hinge bricks. Its just a case of folding the hinge bricks in a downward arch and attaching lots of tree pieces to them to give the weeping willow effect.
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Then i've just added a couple of witches sacrificing a frog in the corner :classic:
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Now we need to finally finish the hill, so first we need to give ourselves some more land to build on. This is done the same as before, by laying out supports and then placing a green base plate on top.
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Again, on top of the green base plate I lay a few plates and sand green bricks here and there. The main thing you have to remember is to cover the edges of the base plate with green plates so you don't see the distinct line of the edge of the base plate.
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Then we continue this process down to the other end of the moc.
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Note how I have added in different patches of green in other shades. This breaks up the standard green.
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Now we need to start coming down again with another row of base plates, but for now, I will just lay enough so I have space to finish the hill.
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Next, we lay out some BURPS as a guide and frame to build the cliff up on. Note that I have left a gap to build up some grass and a path.
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Next I have placed some large green bricks to start forming a basic frame of a slope of grass.
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Now I have started to add some plates and build more of the rock work. There are many ways of building rocks, I have chosen to use slope pieces as these are very common, easy to work with and come in most Lego sets.
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I have now started to add some brown plates to form a path. Once these are in place we can build the rocks up around them on either side.
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Now we can carry on building the rocks to finish of the cliff.
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Once we have built up the rocks to the chosen height, we can then lay down some green plates to finish of the hill. The green plates should be mixed around the rocks at the edges of the cliff to give a more natural effect, rather then a plain border of gray with green in the middle.
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Finally we can add some plants and foliage around the edges making a nice area where villages can go and relax under the weeping willow.
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We now have the start of a nice natural area which will make a great background to the village.
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The reason I have ended the hill there, is so I can add a road coming into the village from the back. I can then build up another hill on the other side of the road which is where the windmill will be. This will give a nice raised backdrop for the village.

Next we will start laying some more land and work on some more buildings.

Thanks for reading.

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